Partners of V4+ Project

The Project’s partners are the leading universities in Czech Republic,  Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.  Partner universities’ scholars present their reports at the conference and held the lectures for the students as well as PhD-students of the host institution.



The Project’s partners are the leading universities in Czech Republic,  Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.  Partner universities’ scholars present their reports at the conference and held the lectures for the students as well as PhD-students of the host institution.

The partners are :

Charles university (Czech Republic)


Silesian University (Poland):

Prof. dr hab Piotr Pinior

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mateusz Zaba

University of Pécs (Hungary):

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zsolt Bujtár


University of Trnava (Slovakia):

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Meszaros