“Rechtsvergleichung im GMBH-Recht der Osteuropäischen Staaten”
The project “Rechtsvergleichung im GMBH-Recht der Osteuropäischen Staaten” (Law of LLCs in Eastern European countries: comparative legal aspect) – 2022-2023.
Within the framework of the project, it became possible to publish the monograph “Corporate Law of Germany”, the purpose of which was to outline the origins of German corporate law, justifying the reasons for the formation of certain legal forms for conducting business activities; the most significant and promising reforms of today, which to a certain extent change the foundations of German company law, are noted.
With the support of the project, it became possible to participate in the conferences of the universities of Regensburg (November, 2022), Halle (November, 2022), and Katowice (October, 2022). as well as co-authored publication of monographs:
“Rechtsentwicklung in postsowjetischen Staaten – Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit als Ideal oder Attrappe?”
“GmbH in dem europäischen Gesellschaftsrecht” (GmbH (LLC) in the corporate law of European countries), Regensburg, Germany, 2023,
“Evolution of Private Law: New Directions” (Evolution of private law: new trends), Katowice, Poland, 2023.

“Legal Transplants in Stock Corporation Law of Eastern European states”
The project “Legal Transplants in Stock Corporation Law of Eastern European states” (“Legal borrowings (transfers) in the stock corporation law of Eastern European states”) – 2023-2024.
The tasks of the project are the study of the following legal aspects: 1) the influence of German and Anglo-American corporate law on the law of joint-stock companies of Eastern European countries; 2) national peculiarities of the legal status of JSC in the countries of Eastern Europe; 3) the economic importance of joint-stock companies for the economy of Eastern European countries; 4) responsibility in the corporate management of JSC in Eastern European law; 5) tax policy of Eastern European countries regarding joint-stock companies; 6) ways of harmonizing Ukrainian shareholder law with EU company law.

As a result of research, the publication of monographs is planned:
1) Limited partnership under the law of Poland, Ukraine and Germany (author – graduate student O.V. Ovchenko)
2) “Legal Borrowings in Corporate Law” (author – Associate Professor of Law, O.R. Kovalyshyn)